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Training - tutors

All courses provided by, or with, JCT are delivered by highly experienced traffic engineers:

John Nightingale MSc(Eng), CEng FIHE MCIHT

John is a Director of JCT, he joined JCT in January 2008 following 13 years of experience in both local government and traffic signal contracting. John's introduction to the traffic engineering industry was as a contracting engineer giving him a particular insight in the practical aspects of installation and maintenance of signals. His tenure in local government gave him experience in a broad range of traffic engineering including accident investigation and road safety audit as well as signals design and modelling.

Simon Swanston MSc, BEng, CEng FIHE

Simon is an Associate Director at JCT. He is a fully trained LinSig, ARCADY, PICADY and TRANSYT modeller, able to scope, execute and report on traffic control modelling work associated with either isolated or linked signal control networks. Simon heads up JCT's Consultancy team and is an experienced designer and expert problem solver. Simon is an experienced tutor who brings a significant amount of practical experience into the classroom.

Stuart Hanson BSc (Hons), EngTech

Stuart is an Assistant Engineer at JCT, he joined in August 2016 following a 12 year career in the secondary school teaching profession. Stuart lectures on an annual basis to masters and PhD students in many of the prestigious transport universities in the UK. Stuart is a trained LinSig and Picady modeller responsible for working with the principal engineer on the design and assessment of single junctions, networks and roundabouts.

Jackie Davies FIHE CEng MSc BSc

Jackie is an experienced engineer, currently working as a Senior Traffic Signals Engineer at Bath & North East Somerset Council, where she looks after the city's UTC/SCOOT system, traffic signals maintenance activities and ITS infrastructure. Prior to this, she ran the Traffic Control Service at Bristol City Council. Jackie has worked in the traffic signals industry as a UTC/SCOOT engineer since October 2008, beginning as a trainee UTC/SCOOT officer and progressing to running the traffic control service at the local authority over a period of eight years. Jackie also provides a UTC/SCOOT consultancy service to numerous highway authorities and as a result, she has gained a significant level of experience in both local government and traffic signals contracting. Jackie's work as a contracting engineer has provided her with a strong insight into the practical aspects of setting up and maintaining UTC/SCOOT traffic signals. Her tenure in local government continues to provide her with a broad range of experience across the ITS and UTC/SCOOT work areas.

Chris Kennett MIHE

Chris is Director of the specialist traffic signal engineering consultancy Chris Kennett Consulting Limited. Before founding the company in 2020, Chris worked as a Senior Engineer for another consultant for six years, and before that worked for Cambridgeshire County Council for eleven years, rising to the post of Lead Engineer. From his wide range of experience at all levels, Chris has a broad knowledge of Traffic Signal Engineering, including modelling with JCT's Linsig, design work and MOVA. Chris has been heavily involved in delivering in-house training with his previous employers. Chris has worked with MOVA extensively since 2005 and has continued this with recent work linking with the latest facilities in MOVA. Through his company, he continues to provide this same wide range of services, including training with focus on practical use and applications.

Peter Simm

Peter has been involved in the public sector since 1990 and was the first officer to let a GPRS contract in the UK. Peter joined the private sector in 2007 and is currently a member of the BSI- Smart Cities Working Group. He is an expert in mobile communications and sims to local authorities and other actors throughout the UK offering assistance and training as part of his dedicated service.

Lewis Harvey - Adey Electronics

Lewis is an experienced wireless and industrial communications specialist, with a focus on cellular 5G/4G routers, networking, antennas and associated connectivity solutions for transportation infrastructure and aligned industries. Having worked in this field for over 13 years, Lewis is able to share experiences and knowledge to make transportation connectivity solutions more simple, reliable and cost effective.

Hugo Carvalho, MsC Telecommunications Engineering

Hugo is a Channel Account Manager for Poynting Antennas, a leading antenna expert with special focus on 4/5G antennas. Hugo started his career as a Project Manager for a renowned wireless system integrator (Wavecom), overseeing networking and wireless (Wi-Fi, 4G and Radio Links) projects for Utilities, Logistics Centres, Public Transport and Universities, among others.
After 7 years, Hugo proceeded to more business-related positions, first as an account manager at Wavecom and lately, since 2020, as a Channel Account Manager for Poynting. At Poynting Antennas, Hugo has the privilege to be involved (advising and consulting) his partners, and their customers, on all sorts of 4/5G Connectivity scenarios and projects, which continues to provide him with a broad range of experience across the business needs of multiple companies (public or private) across various industries.


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Upcoming courses

20 May 2025: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more

20 May 2025: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more

22 May 2025: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

04 Jun 2025: LinSig3 : Online Networks and Advanced Features Computer Workshop ...more

09 Jun 2025: Interpretation and writing of TOPAS 2500 Controller Specification forms for Transport Modellers and Design Engineers ...more

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