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A graphical tool for roundabout design

FlowRound is a design tool for traffic flow patterns on roundabouts with spiralled lane markings. It can be used for both signalled and non-signalled roundabouts using spiral road markings.

FlowRound is a tool to be used in the planning and design stages of a roundabout to develop robust lane flow plans which can be easily changed and adjusted by the engineer. When a final design has been arrived at FlowRound then provides a firm foundation from which to go on to in-depth capacity analysis.

A major part of the preparation of a design for a roundabout, especially a signalled roundabout, is to determine the traffic flows on each of the roundabouts lanes for different traffic flow scenarios. This is the process which FlowRound addresses. Traditionally the task has been carried out using a number of A3 diagrams and a pencil and rubber (often a lot of rubber!). In some cases engineers designed custom spreadsheets which removed some of the mental arithmetic from the process but needed to be redesigned for each roundabout and were prone to errors in complex spreadsheet formulae. FlowRound aims to standardise this process leading to a easily checkable design for the lane arrangement and traffic flows.

FlowRound is also of benefit in that it provides an easy way to assess the viability and likely feasibility of lane and flow patterns by manual inspection of flows in each lane. This together with the ability to quickly redistribute traffic and recalculate the diagram means that options can be refined before moving onto more detailed assessment.

Further information on FlowRound:


Upcoming courses

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