It has become a firmly established tradition at the JCT symposium, that John Spence (JSTSM) asks a group of independant judges to select those papers and presentations that stand out from the rest; the criteria often change from year to year but typically the winners are judged to be those who help maintain and enhance the Symposium's reputation of fostering topical, useful and good quality presentations.
2009 has been the first year we have been in a position to film proceedings at the symposium and we can now make some of the symposium content available to watch through this website. We have decided to feature the competition winners' talks and we hope you enjoy watching them although its not quite as good as being there - this is partly due to the practicalities of the internet (some pretty hefty compression has to be used which means it might be difficult to make out some writing on the slides). Also, in addition to the competition winners, we thought we'd make Barbara Chard's presentation available - she wasn't picked as a competition winner but we all feel she did us proud!
President of the IHIE Tony Sharp reads out the symposium competition winners at the end of the 2009 Symposium
Title: Underutilised Green - The Missing Link. Specifically awarded for the development and use of an application to log traffic using a mobile phone.
Title: A46/A607 Hobby Horse Roundabout - Innovative Linked MOVA Trials. Awarded for the way in which the opportunity was taken to develop initial work by Helen Simmonite (presented in the previous year's Symposium) into what could be a highly effective and practical approach to using MOVA on some signalled roundabouts.
Title: Wireless - The Answer To All Our Communication Needs?. Awarded for the excellent explanation of wireless technology and terminology.
Title: Signalled Crossings - Designing For Learning Disabled Pedestrians. Awarded for the way in which his presentation stimulated a new way of looking at signals.
Title: Loops vs Above Ground Detection - real experience. Awarded for a clear, concise and occasionally humourous presentation.
20 May 2025: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more
20 May 2025: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more
22 May 2025: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more
02 Jun 2025: Interpretation and writing of TOPAS 2500 Controller Specification forms for Transport Modellers and Design Engineers ...more
04 Jun 2025: LinSig3 : Online Networks and Advanced Features Computer Workshop ...more
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