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LinSig 3 Software Support

LinSig Software Support is designed to provide LinSig users with help and assistance both in the use of the software but also in the application of the modelling techniques used in LinSig to practical real world models.

This section tells you about software support and how to purchase it. If you have already purchased software support and wish to access it you can find it here.

Software support benefits

Software Support provides the following benefits:

  • Free telephone/email advice on the use of LinSig.
  • Basic design advice for schemes being designed using LinSig. A full consultancy service is available at additional cost if more detailed advice is required.
  • Free access to the LinSig Software Support Web Site. This web site includes advice on using the software, frequently asked questions and news of software updates.
  • Free software updates which can be downloaded from the LinSig Software Support website. These include both bug fixes and minor feature updates. Major new versions are NOT included, although preferential upgrade discounts are offered.
  • Free attendance at LinSig User Groups.

Purchasing software support

Software Support is included free of charge for the first 12 month after purchasing a new LinSig Licence, provided a Software Support Agreement is instated. After the free Software Support Period expires paid Software Support is available as detailed below. When upgrading from one major Version of LinSig to another, for example from LinSig 2 to LinSig 3, no free support is included but any unused Support period for the old version is transferred to the new version free of charge if a new Software Support agreement is instated.

Software support pricing

Shortly before any free period of support expires you will receive an option to cancel your Software Support Agreement. If you decide to continue software support the following prices will apply annually:

Discounted corporate support agreements

If your organisation owns a number of site licences, you may be interested in a Corporate Software Support Agreement. This allows you to have one Support Agreement covering all sites within your organisation for the same product, at discounted rates. It also avoids the need to renew separate agreements for each site as and when they expire and ensures that all sites within your organisation have the same access to software support. All sites within an organisation must be included within the agreement. If you would like to change to a Corporate Support Agreement or would like any more information, please contact us for a quotation.

Renewing or cancelling software support

Our Software Support Agreements are continuous agreements. This means that at renewal time the following procedure is used:

  • Prior to renewal you will be reminded of your right to cancel the Support Agreement.
  • If you wish to continue with Software Support simply do nothing and your Support Agreement will renewed for another year and you will be invoiced for the appropriate amount. If your organisation uses Purchase Orders you may need to organise a Purchase Order for Support to ensure your accounts department pays the Software Support invoice on time avoiding any breaks in availability of Support.
  • If you wish to cancel Support tell us in writing that you wish to cancel prior to the renewal date and we will cancel your support agreement and you will not be charged.

We have chosen to use continuous support agreements for the following reasons:

  • Many of our users have Software Support and wish to renew Support each year with the minimum of effort.
  • Delays in authorising and renewing separate new agreements each year, and inter-department communication issues within some clients, have in the past led to inadvertent lapses of support to users. This has led to many users preferring continuous Support Agreements.
  • A clear opportunity is always given to cancel support before each renewal. Provided users respond to cancellation options there is no chance of 'accidentally' taking out paid support.

Recommencing support after a break

To recommence support again after a period without support, there is a £100 + VAT surcharge on the support renewal prices as listed above.

Further information on LinSig


Upcoming courses

20 May 2025: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more

20 May 2025: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more

22 May 2025: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

04 Jun 2025: LinSig3 : Online Networks and Advanced Features Computer Workshop ...more

09 Jun 2025: Interpretation and writing of TOPAS 2500 Controller Specification forms for Transport Modellers and Design Engineers ...more

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