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Password reset

If you already have an account on this website but cannot remember your password or wish to reset your password for other reasons, fill in the email address registered to your account below and request a password reset.

We will send you an email to that address which includes a link and a reset code; visit the link, enter the reset code and type your new password. It is possible that the email sent out may be incorrectly classified as spam or junk email - if you do not receive an email within 30 minutes of submitting your reset request, please contact JCT directly.

If you are having problems logging in, please make sure you are using the email address you registered with your account and that the email address has been typed correctly, otherwise contact us at our office and we will try and resolve any problems you are having.


Upcoming courses

23 Oct 2024: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

14 Nov 2024: Online Advanced Traffic Signal Design ...more

21 Jan 2025: Online Introduction To Traffic Signals ...more

04 Feb 2025: LinSig3 : Online Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

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