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Concept Geometric Design

In proposing junction solutions, we are well equipped to produce initial geometric layouts to go with our traffic modelling. Typically at 1:1000 scale with lane markings, these drawings can be included in reports, used in presentations, or taken as design input into larger road schemes. Whilst satisfactory traffic modelling is clearly needed, a good geometric layout plan is often necessary to gain full acceptance.

We can prepare any sort of junction geometric layout including:

  • Basic Traffic Signal - Whilst seemingly straightforward, the design standards do little to assist overall geometric layouts. We specialise in the most efficient layouts, and getting the most out of space restricted locations.
  • Conventional Roundabouts - We are familiar with the latest design standards, and in association with modelling can rapidly develop efficient economical layouts. We also have extensive experience of adapting existing roundabouts.
  • Incorporating Pedestrians - Pedestrian signalling at traffic signal junctions can often be incorporated without loss of green time to vehicle movements, but the geometric layout will require wide refuges and triangular islands.
  • Double/Multiple Junctions - By allowing more vehicle movements to enter the junction at one time, higher capacity is possible, but the geometric layout is more complicated and may require expert attention.
  • Signalled Roundabouts - Satisfactory modelling of the proposal determines the pattern of lane usage and spiralisation. This is then developed geometrically with particular attention to lane markings on the circulating carriageway.


Upcoming courses

21 Oct 2024: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more

23 Oct 2024: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

14 Nov 2024: Online Advanced Traffic Signal Design ...more

21 Jan 2025: Online Introduction To Traffic Signals ...more

04 Feb 2025: LinSig3 : Online Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

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