There are various resources including technical papers, presentations and articles that have been compiled by JCT's staff, both individually and in collaboration with others; we have made many of these available for visitors to download here. There are also additional resources authored independently that are either relevant to JCT's Consultancy services, Training courses, or our Software products.
Please Note: Double asterisks (**) indicate publications referenced in our Junction Audit Seminar.
Unequal Lane Usage in ARCADY using Junctions 9, August 2018, Simon Swanston download / view
New Improvements in LinSig3.1 - Signalling Change TEC March 2011, Paul Moore download / view
Signal Design The Right Way TEC April 2010, John Nightingale download / view
Kiwis Call it a Jelly Bean We Call it a Signalled Roundabout! JCT Symposium, Hatfield, September 2009 Barbara Chard download / view
Signal Controlled Roundabout Methodology and its introduction to NZ at Welcome Bay, Maungatapu and Brookfield roundabouts in Tauranga North Island, November 2009 Barbara Chard download / view
Fixed Time vs Single Stream MOVA Control on a signalled roundabout. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2008 and as printed in TEC Journal November 2008 Helen Simmonite download / view
** Transport Assesment Health Warning. Address the slipping standards of traffic impact submissions or risk damaging the public purse. TEC April 2008 Vol 49 No. 4. Barbara Chard download / view
LinSig for Signalled Roundabouts. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2007 Dr. Douglas Reid, Brian Simmonite download / view
Cutting Corners at Bardills. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2006. Barbara Chard, Stuart Beniston download / view
The Network Management Duty at Junctions. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2006. Dr. Douglas Reid download / view
Joined Up Traffic Modelling with LINSIG V2. TEC Journal September 2006. Paul Moore download / view
Doing it Backwards: An innovative Signal Control Solution for a very small Roundabout in East Kilbride. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2005. Barbara Chard download / view
LINSIG for Windows - Twenty years on. TEC Journal, April 2005 Paul Moore download / view
New Developments to LinSig for Windows. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2004. Paul Moore, Peter Cheng download / view
Using Phase Timings in a TRANSYT Network. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2004. Brian Simmonite download / view
Independent Assessment of FlowRound . JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2004 Richard Bishop of White Young Green Consulting (Leicester) download / view
Development of Displaced Right Turn Intersection (04-4411). 83rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, January 2004 (note this won a Best Paper Award from the TRB. Brian Simmonite(JCT) and Marcus Chick (Parsons Brinckerhoff) download / view
TranEd Version 2 aids the study of complex signal designs. TEC Journal January 2004 Paul Moore, Peter Cheng download / view
The development of the Displaced Right Turn junction. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2003 Marcus Chick (Parsons Brinckerhoff), Brian Simmonite (JCT) download / view
Modelling MOVA Control. TEC Journal September 2003. Damian Meehan download / view
Puffins At Junctions. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2003. Brian Simmonite download / view
Signal Controlled Roundabouts - Breaking the Rules. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 2002. Omero Riccomini, Barbara Chard download / view
** To Slip or not to Slip. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 1999. Barbara Chard download / view
Flares and Giveways at Signalled Roundabouts. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 1999. Barbara Chard download / view
Gap Creating Signal Control Methodology. JCT Symposium, Nottingham, September 1998. Barbara Chard download / view
** Arcady Health Warning: Account for lane usage or risk damaging the Public Purse. TEC Vol 38 No. 3 March 1997. Barbara Chard download / view
20 May 2025: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more
20 May 2025: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more
22 May 2025: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more
02 Jun 2025: Interpretation and writing of TOPAS 2500 Controller Specification forms for Transport Modellers and Design Engineers ...more
04 Jun 2025: LinSig3 : Online Networks and Advanced Features Computer Workshop ...more
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