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TranEd Version 2 Software Support

TranEd V2 Version History

The table below show the history of changes made to TranEd Version 2. We always recommend upgrading to the latest version but where this is difficult the version history allows you to decide whether an update is essential for your particular circumstances and use of TranEd.

Version Description of Changes Importance
2.5.x.x Special Version not for General Release. Same modelling functionality as Version 2.4.x.x
  • Provides better compatibility with TRANSYT.

Non-Critical unless difficulties encountered running TRANSYT.
  • Provides compatibility with network-licenced TRANSYT.

Non-Critical unless network-licenced TRANSYT is being used.
  • Provides compatibility with TRANSYT Version 12 AF/6.

Non-Critical unless TRANSYT 12 AF/6 is being used.
  • Corrects a problem where Link numbers of 5 digits causes Link Delay values to become obscured.

Non-Critical unless encountered

Adds the following new features:

  • Can run TRANSYT for all flow groups at once via new button on Flow Groups View.
  • The PRT View now highlights in red any degree of saturation > 90%.  It also stripes the results table for easier reading.
  • The PRT Report Fragment contains an option to display just the summary table.
  • The PRT View has a "Save PRT File" button to allow the PRT file to be saved to any location.
  • The cycle time is now displayed on the status bar.
  • Added an entry to the Error List if there is a zero length stage as TRANSYT treats this as a data input error and will not run it.
  • Prevented the Uniform Flow on a link from exceeding the Total Flow, as TRANSYT treats this as a data input error.
  • Added an option to ensure TranEd runs TRANSYT with the same initial settings each time it is run, to prevent fluctuating results.
  • The User Guide can now be opened directly from the Help menu.
  • The title block width/height when printing can be manually adjusted if required.
  • When specifying Link Minimum Green Times, these minimum values are street minimum values. The user interface now says "Link Street Minimum Green Time" to emphasise this fact.

Corrects the following problems:

  • Corrected problem whereby TRANSYT would fail to run if the node list was empty even if optimisation is switched off.
  • When optimisation is switched off, report fragments will now select the Initial Result set automatically, rather than say that there are no Final Results.
  • In TRANSYT you can create a link that runs in all stages but has a lag which causes the link to run 100% of the time but with a gap in it.  TranEd can now open a file containing this situation, although it will force the link not to run in the stage containing the gap.
  • Fixed crash in Cycle Time Optimisation View when running very large numbers of combinations.
  • Fixed a problem with TRANSYT failing to run when using long file names.
  • Corrected a bug when exporting to TranEd 1 format
  • Fixed a crash if the Uniform Queue graphs are displayed at the same time as TRANSYT failing to run.
  • Corrected bug that prevented exported DXF files from opening in AutoCAD 2007
  • Corrected a problem when zooming with the mouse wheel and using two monitors with the desktop extending to the left instead of the right.
  • When displaying Mean Cruise Time and Mean Delay on the links in Junction Layout View, the values are now rounded to the nearest integer instead of rounded down.

Non-Critical but strongly recommended for all users.

2.3.x.x Special Version not for General Release.

Corrects the following problem:

  • Corrected a bug that incorrectly counted non-signalled nodes as well as signalled nodes in determining if the maximum permitted number of nodes allowed in TRANSYT was exceeded.
  • Increased the maximum permitted number of nodes to 100 (99 if using bottlenecks) to correspond with the increased maximum in TRANSYT 12.

Non-Critical unless encountered

Corrects the following problems:

  • Corrected problem whereby if Microsoft Update for Word 2002 (KB917347) has been installed, the graphical contents of reports are no longer displayed in Word.
  • Modified how TranEd internally launches TRANSYT for improved compatibility.
  • Corrected bug that would cause TranEd to crash if the Cycle Time Optimisation is run on TRANSYT 12 or TRANSYT 11 AK, and the TRANSYT Graphical Interface is not open in the background (as is required to ensure the existence of a licenced copy of TRANSYT).

Non-Critical unless encountered

Corrects the following problems:

  • Corrects a bug that incorrectly allowed entry of the value zero for a link's Flow Multiplier(%) and Cruise Speed Multiplier(%).
  • If a signalled link runs for the entire cycle, TRANSYT incorrectly models it as running for just one second. TranEd can now work around this by automatically converting the signalled link to a bottleneck, but only while TRANSYT is being run.  The link remains as a signalled link in TranEd.

Non-Critical unless encountered

Corrects the following problem:

  • Fixes a bug that could cause TranEd to crash or not display view contents. This would only have occurred very rarely, or sometimes if using a computer with multiple screens.<

Non-Critical unless encountered

Corrects the following problem:

  • Under a combination of certain circumstances TranEd could sometimes crash shortly after loading a file. In particular this would only happen when using TRANSYT 12 and when your model contains a stage sequence of eight or more stages.

Non-Critical unless encountered

Corrects the following bug:

  • TranEd could sometimes fail to run TRANSYT if TRANSYT had been installed with Read-Only security permissions. Previously a workaround was to mark as "writeable" the transyt.exe file in the location where TRANSYT was installed. With update, this workaround is no longer necessary.


Corrects the following minor bugs:

  • TranEd previously limited Give-Way link coefficients A1 and A2 to 100. In some cases (mainly but not exclusively involving grade separated roundabout entries) it may be necessary to exceed this limit. The limit has therefore been increased to 200.
  • The TranEd network diagram sometimes failed to run TRANSYT to provide results to a Network Diagram report fragment in the TranEd report generator. The network diagram in the report therefore did not include any results. This has now been fixed. A workaround is to run TRANSYT from TranEd prior to generating the report.

Add the following new feature:

  • Due to requests by a number of users the  integration with Windows explorer has been changed so that double clicking TRANSYT *.dat files will automatically launch TranEd and import the TRANSYT file.


Corrects the following bug:

  • A bug introduced in version which incorrectly calculated link start times when BOTH link start delays and intergreens were used in a single interstage. This can be avoided by only using intergreens OR link start delays within an interstage as is normal practice.

Adds the following new feature:

  • Undo History View. This new view displays the previous 100 editing steps allowing editing actions to be reversed to an earlier point in the current editing session.

Non-Critical if the workaround is used, but recommended to avoid users not familiar with the workaround encountering problems.

Corrects the following problem:

  • Corrects a bug that caused TranEd to crash when copying the Link Intergreen View to clipboard or exporting it to DXF.

  • Adds a number of major new features including a new Phase Intergreen converter tool.

Non-critical but strongly recommended

Corrects the following problem:

  • Corrects problems with the Automatic Update Notification feature.
Non-Critical unless this feature is used.

Corrects the following problem:

  • In some cases the progression lines on the Time Distance Diagram could be drawn incorrectly.

Non-Critical unless this feature is used.

Corrects the following problem:

  • In some cases the "Convert To Cruise Speeds" or "Convert To Cruise Times" feature on the Network Parameters View may not accurately convert cruise speeds and or times.

Non-Critical unless this feature is used.

Corrects the following problem:

  • This update corrects some minor non-critical usability and cosmetic bugs, and also improves on existing error handling.


Corrects the following problem:

  • Deleting a node with minor shared links causes TranEd to crash. As a workaround minor shared links should be deleted before the node is deleted.
Critical if using shared links.

Corrects the following problem:

  • Windows 98 users and Windows 2000 and XP users with slower PCs or large models may experience slow running and jerky graphics within TranEd.
Non-Critical unless encountered.

Upcoming courses

20 May 2025: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more

20 May 2025: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more

22 May 2025: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

02 Jun 2025: Interpretation and writing of TOPAS 2500 Controller Specification forms for Transport Modellers and Design Engineers ...more

04 Jun 2025: LinSig3 : Online Networks and Advanced Features Computer Workshop ...more

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