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quickGreen 2 Update Installation

Obtaining quickGreen 2 Updates

If you have not already done so download the latest update of quickGreen 2 from the Software Updates page. This download can be used both to install a completely new copy of quickGreen 2 or to update an existing copy of quickGreen to the latest version.

Installing a New quickGreen 2 Installation

The downloaded update package can be used to install a new copy of quickGreen. After quickGreen has been installed it will function as a limited demonstration copy until activated as described below.

To install a new installation of quickGreen 2:

  1. Ensure you are logged in with sufficient administrative privileges.
  2. Extract the update files from the downloaded quickGreen2Setup2.x.x.x ZIP file and save them anywhere on your hard disk.
  3. Double Click on the Setup.exe file in the location you saved it to above.
  4. Follow the on screen prompts to install quickGreen 2.

quickGreen should now have been installed but will only operate as a demonstration copy until registered. Instructions on how to register are provided here

Updating an Existing Copy of quickGreen 2

An existing version of quickGreen can be updated as follows:

  1. Ensure you are logged in with sufficient administrative privileges.
  2. Extract the update files from the downloaded quickGreen2Setup2.x.x.x ZIP file and save them anywhere on your hard disk.
  3. Double Click on the Setup.exe file in the location you saved it to above.
  4. Follow the on screen prompts to update quickGreen 2.
  5. After installation is complete open quickGreen 2 and check the version number using 'About quickGreen 2...' from the quickGreen Help menu, to ensure that the new version has installed correctly.

Please note that:

  • Each update includes all previous updates and only the latest update needs to be installed.
  • After installing the update existing activated copies of quickGreen do not normally require reactivating.

Upgrading from quickGreen 1 to quickGreen 2

For details on how to upgrade an installed copy of quickGreen Version 1 to quickGreen 2, please refer to the Appendix in the quickGreen 2 User Guide.

A copy of the quickGreen 2 User Guide is available here.


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