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quickGreen Software Support

quickGreen Version History

The table below show the history of changes made to quickGreen. We always recommend upgrading to the latest version but where this is difficult the version history allows you to decide whether an update is essential for your particular circumstances and use of quickGreen.

Version Description of Changes Importance
  • More flexible specification of Turning Movement Adjustments, allowing different turning movements to have different adjustment values and allowing adjustments to be ignored if conflict distances are not sufficiently large.
  • Corrected a display issue that meant it was no longer possible to change the position on a Pedestrian crossing where the conflict distance is measured from.
  • Minor corrections to the licensing system.
Recommended if encountering problems during online registration.
  • Corrected a problem with licence registration when using a web proxy for internet access.
Recommended if encountering problems during online registration.
  • Corrected a display issue that could occur when Windows is set to display larger text.
  • Ensure the upstream Lane is also selected when selecting a Turn Connector.
  • Improvements to the licence registration user interface.
  • Display warning if a Turn Path doesn't fully pass through a Pedestrian Crossing.
  • Improvements to the licence registration user interface.
  • During online registration, if behind a web proxy, prevents proxy authentication errors.
Recommended if encountering problems during online registration.
  • Corrects a problem where quickGreen sometimes fails to start.
Recommended if encountering problems starting quickGreen after installation.
  • Corrects a problem where a .qgn file may fail to load when double-clicking on it, even though it opens correctly when using quickGreen's FileOpen menu option.
Recommended if encountering problems opening files.
  • Corrects a possible error during installation on Windows 8 regarding access permissions.
Recommended if encountering errors during installation.
  • Corrects a potential issue during installation if unable to configure the Windows Firewall for quickGreen.
Recommended if encountering errors during installation.
  • During registration, if behind a web proxy, prevent proxy authentication errors.
  • Support for ASLs.
  • Option to measure pedestrian intergreens to the furthest stud line.
  • Option to specify turning movements that automatically have a fixed adjustment applied to their intergreen.
  • Print to Scale.
  • Improved interface for importing background image.
  • Variable transparency of foreground graphics to allow more accurate positioning.
  • Sensitivity Indicator if small changes in distance would result in different intergreen values
  • An improved Quick Start Guide guiding you through the quickGreen model building process.
  • A new licence registration system.


Upcoming courses

23 Oct 2024: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

14 Nov 2024: Online Advanced Traffic Signal Design ...more

21 Jan 2025: Online Introduction To Traffic Signals ...more

04 Feb 2025: LinSig3 : Online Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

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