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TranEd: a graphical editor for TRANSYT V11/12

The concept behind TranEd is simple - it is intended to make TRANSYT V11/12 easier to use and provide additional facilities to get more out of TRANSYT models. TRANSYT is traffic signal network analysis software written by the then Transport Research Laboratory (now TRL Ltd.) and has been used for many years for analysing traffic signal networks. TranEd provides a replacement front end for TRANSYT providing significantly more features and ease of use when working with traffic signal junctions in TRANSYT networks.

TRANSYT Version 11 or 12 is required in order for TranEd to be used fully. TranEd augments TRANSYT by providing an improved graphical interface with which to edit the TRANSYT data file and display both input and output data graphically. It seamlessly integrates with TRANSYT to allow the model to be built in TranEd before TRANSYT is used in the background to perform the traffic modelling. TranEd then analyses the output from TRANSYT presenting the results graphically.

TranEd was written by TRANSYT users and therefore provides facilities that are targeted to solving real problems encountered by users. It is also much more than a graphical interpretation of TRANSYT as the numerous additional features give significant productivity benefits for users - we believe TranEd will pay for itself for any offices doing more than a few TRANSYT runs a month.

Further information on TranEd:


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