TranEd Reader
Detailed Features & Capabilities
The Reader provides the following features:
- A Network Diagram showing the layout of nodes and links in the TRANSYT model.
- Signal information displayed in a sensible modern-signals aware manner and also as TRANSYT cards.
- Shows full information on intergreens allowing easy auditing.
- The ability to view stages graphically and easily see the links running in each stage (similar to the LINSIG Stage View but for links not phases).
- Flexible graphical reporting of information.
- New data displays showing queue lengths and traffic flow bandwidths.
- A completely new Report Generator which produces reports in Rich Text Format (rtf), a format used by all common word processors such as MS Word and WordPerfect. The TranEd Reader can produce and print any report formats which have been pre-configured by a TranEd files author.
- Network annotation can be included on the network diagram by the TranEd files author.
- For traditional TRANSYT users the Reader can display the TRANSYT network as the underlying TRANSYT cards.
- A signals animation view that shows each link as red or green as the signal sequence is animated.
- Time-Distance diagrams showing the movement of traffic along pre-defined routes through the network.
- Support for multiple traffic flow groups to allow for example the AM + PM Peaks to be defined in the same file and easily switched between.
- Graphical depictions of the TRANSYT graphs.
Compared to the full version of TranEd, the Reader does not allow the following
- New TranEd models cannot be created with the Reader.
- Files cannot be saved.
- No changes can be made to open TranEd files.
- TRANSYT cannot be run from within the TranEd Reader.
- TRANSYT format files cannot be imported or exported.
- Graphics cannot be exported to DXF or saved to the clipboard.
- Although reports pre-defined by a TranEd files author can be run, new report formats cannot be created.
Further information on the TranEd Reader: