Who should attend.
This course will benefit both Transport Modellers and Traffic Signal Design Engineers
Prior to attending the course, Delegates should have a basic understanding of traffic signal terminology such as Phases, Stages and Intergreens.
Course content.
All JCT courses are Approved or are pending Approval by the Institute of Highway Engineers and attendance is therefore recognised by the IHE and many other bodies as evidence of Continual Professional Development (CPD).
Courses are managed under a ISO9001 Quality Management System.
is empty.
21 Oct 2024: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more
23 Oct 2024: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more
14 Nov 2024: Online Advanced Traffic Signal Design ...more
21 Jan 2025: Online Introduction To Traffic Signals ...more
04 Feb 2025: LinSig3 : Online Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more
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