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LinSig 3 Pricing for New sites

This page covers pricing for completely new LinSig Sites. Prices for LinSig 3 Sites upgrading from earlier versions can be found on the Upgrade Pricing & Ordering page.

The price of a new LinSig site is based on the following factors:

  • The size of the Standard Site Licence Required - e.g. 1PC, 4PC, 10PC etc.
  • The number of sites if any already owned by the purchaser.

Full Pricing Details

LinSig is sold as a Site Licence in a range of Site Licence sizes as shown below.

Multi-site Discounts

Larger organisations who already own, or who are buying together, several LinSig sites in the same country can claim a multi-site discount which will reduce the above purchase prices by the following amounts:

The Final Site Price is then calculated as:

Final Site Price = Standard Site Price x Multi-Site Discount.

If more than one site is being ordered the Final Site Price for each Site are simply added together.


  1. Site Licences for LinSig V1 or LinSig 2 do not count for LinSig 3 multi site discount.
  2. Multiple Sites ordered together will ALL attract the multi-site discount for the new total number of sites.
  3. Multiple Sites ordered separately will have the multi-site discount applied incrementally as the total number of sites increases.
  4. Roaming Licences are NOT site based and therefore do not add to the total number of sites or attract any site discount.

Software Support

New LinSig 3 sites include 12 months of Software Support free of charge provided a LinSig 3 Software Support Agreement is signed at the time of purchase. At the expiry of the free Software Support continuing paid support is available as detailed on the Purchasing Support page.


Upcoming courses

23 Oct 2024: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

14 Nov 2024: Online Advanced Traffic Signal Design ...more

21 Jan 2025: Online Introduction To Traffic Signals ...more

04 Feb 2025: LinSig3 : Online Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

...view full schedule

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